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Nesting Season is here!

It’s Bird House Time!

Are your bird houses ready for new families? The Backyard Naturalist has tips to help you be a good host!

If you don’t have a bird house, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss all the fun!!!

The Backyard Naturalist has a range of new homes, from classic to modern styles, to fit every budget.

The Backyard Naturalist has whimsical yet functional bird houses in many styles, including this charming Stone Cottage with river stone facade, red screen door, window box with flowers and a rocking chair on the 'porch'.
In addition to traditional bird houses and nesting boxes, The Backyard Naturalist also has whimsical yet functional bird houses in many styles, including this charming Stone Cottage with river stone facade, red screen door, window box with flowers and a rocking chair on the ‘porch’.

Tips for Backyard Bird ‘Landlords’

  • Start with a clean box!
    Remove any debris and wash with soap and warm water, if needed.
  • Hole size matters!
    Make sure the entry to your bird house is 1″ to 1.25″ in diameter to avoid House Sparrow invasion.  However,  Bluebird houses need 1.5″ diameter holes. Your diligent monitoring is vital to keep your Bluebird broods safe from these predators.
  • Location, location, location!
    Keep bird houses separate from feeders and baths. Birds like privacy for nesting!
    Trees, poles and eaves can work best.
  • Seeing bird house battles?
    It happens. Just add more boxes! Differing species will coexist even when same species will not. For the same species, place another box on the opposite side of your house, out of the line of sight of the other.
  • Be diligent with maintenance.
    Birds have 1-3 broods a season. Clean out boxes after each brood and they will use the same box again.
  • Find more information and some useful resources on our website:  All About Bird Houses.

We have the bird house that’s right for you and your birds! Come see us! Meanwhile, here are a few of our favorite bird houses (there’s so much more in the store).

Looking for Bluebird boxes? Go here.