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The Great Backyard Bird Count 2025

Take Fifteen Minutes and Help Make a World of Difference

During February 14th-17th, counting birds in your backyard will help create a real time, global snapshot of wild bird populations and their locations.

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a four day, world-wide count that helps us learn more about wild birds and changes in their territories over time.

Just three super-easy steps!

Visit for all the details, but this is basically how it works:

  1. Create your free Great Backyard Bird Count account at
  2. Count birds for at least 15 minutes during February 14th-17th. You can submit more checklists! Keep a checklist for each count you do in additional locations, different times or on other days during the GBBC.
  3. Submit your results on the GBBC website or download the free eBird Mobile app.

Watch the world map light up in real time! There’s a glowing light added on the map as each checklist is submitted. One (or more) of those lights will be yours!

More about the Great Backyard Bird Count in the slideshow below: (from the Cornell Lab website)

How your count helps wild birds.

With data from citizen-science, scientists can better determine how birds are affected by habitat loss, pollution and disease.  Knowing where greatest needs are for species-specific conservation leads to targeted action to help birds’ survival.

How your count makes a world of difference.

Online citizen-science projects, like GBBC, offer research opportunities at a global scale. Our real-time observations and those of other volunteers world-wide are helping researchers identify and track larger trends in a changing climate.

Citizen-science offers unlimited opportunities to make a difference

The GBBC, launched in 1998, was the first online citizen-science project. Now, there are many more than we can list here! The catalog alone has 504 project listings. 

For teachers, parents and mentors of junior citizen scientists

This is the perfect opportunity to share your love of birding with kids.  The Cornell Lab‘s ‘Feathered Friends’ GBBC info and family activities sheet is just one of their many FREE, fun and educational resources to help you inspire and nurture a child’s life-long connection with nature.

Thank you for creating and maintaining sanctuaries for your backyard birds.
Together, backyard by backyard, we are all making a difference.

Your continuing support of our efforts here at the store means the world to us. We can’t begin to thank you enough!
Debi & Mike Klein and The Backyard Naturalist Team