Goldfinch Frenzy is peaking! Now’s the time to see Goldfinches at their busiest and most brilliant.
Did nature save the best part for last? Goldfinches breed later than all the other birds and only have one brood. So now is the time to see them at their very best. Don’t miss out on some of the most entertaining backyard birding of the summer. Goldfinches! At your feeders! NOW!
Watch (and Listen!) for Squeaky Juveniles!
Keep your eye out for juveniles making their first appearance at your feeders and baths.
Juvenile Goldfinches will soon be feeding voraciously at your feeders and learning how to use your bird bath for the first time. You’ll be able to hear them first, most likely. They sound squeaky. Really squeaky!!! Juveniles look like duller females, with tan on black wing bars, but you can instantly tell them apart when you hear that squeak!
Why do Goldfinches nest later than all the other birds?
They’re waiting for milkweed, thistle, and other plants to go to seed. Thistle is the key! Goldfinches incorporate the plant fibers into their nests and feed the seeds to their young.
Why don’t they eat something else in the meantime, like insects? Because Goldfinches are strict vegetarians! A Goldfinch will only eat an insect if it flies directly into its mouth! But this offers up an opportunity for backyard birders. When natural food supplies aren’t available, your feeder filled with nyjer (thistle) seeds (or feeder with hulled sunflower kernels) is exactly what they’re waiting for !

Next year, why not go the extra step and plant thistle, milkweed and other natives in your yard. Seeing generations of happy, healthy Goldfinches foraging in your garden is much more fun than mowing all that grass…
Get in on the Upside Down action!!!
Check out our resource page “Watching Goldfinches. Is there anything more fun?” to find out more reasons to join our obsession with Goldfinches. Like, how to get some “upside down action” and why male Goldfinches change color twice a year (Magic?). You’ll also see more tips on attracting Goldfinches and how you can best support them in your backyard.
We’re always happy to answer any questions to help enhance your Goldfinch experience. Stop by the store and we’ll help you choose the right food & feeders, where to place feeders and how to maintain them.
Share your Goldfinch sightings, videos and photos with other Goldfinch fans on our Facebook page! Keep us posted!
Thank you for supporting wild birds and for your continuing support of our efforts here at the store. Happy birding!
Debi & Mike and The Backyard Naturalist Team