Our Backyard Birder’s “Hooray, Fall is Here!!!” Honey-Do List

Gray Catbird primping for fall migration in Mike and Debi's backyard granite bird bath.

Your Fall Checklist from
The Backyard Naturalist

Here are five easy ways to keep your birds happy and bring a variety of Fall migrants that may even make you reach for your binoculars and birding field guides. Just when you think you know ’em all, a juvenile or male Warbler in Fall plumage will show up and make you say “What is that bird?”. Fall Migration is one of the best birding times of the year. Enjoy the adventure!!!

  1. Keep Hummingbird feeders up for two weeks after your last sighting. This will not keep your hummers from migrating – promise! Any visitors now need to bulk up!
  2. Fall Migration is still on. Keep your bird baths clean with fresh water to lure in beautiful Fall migrants. These are mostly non-seed eaters. Water is a welcome treat and will encourage them to hang out and rest a bit.
  3. Empty and tidy your bird houses to get them ready for winter roosting during bad weather. Chickadees, Carolina Wrens and Bluebirds will be particularly grateful!
  4. Check the freshness of your bird seed! The oils in seed go rancid after a while and are not attractive to the birds. If you don’t feed during the summer and if your seed is left over from last winter (And friends, you know who you are!),  it’s time to buy fresh.
  5. It’s a good time to clean your feeders and remove any  moldy remains from our rainy, humid summer.

…Thank goodness, the Grackles have mostly moved on!!! And the Juncos and White-Throated Sparrows will be making their appearance soon!

If you have any questions, call us. The Backyard Naturalist is stocked with everything you need and and always glad to help.

Happy Birding!

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