The Backyard Naturalist has hanging Suet Log Feeders and Log Jammers. Feed Upside Down to protect suet from being devoured by Starlings and Grackles!

Upside Down Suet Log Feeder

The Backyard Naturalist has hanging Suet Log Feeders and Log Jammers. Feed Upside Down to protect suet from being devoured by Starlings and Grackles!
Tip and hang this Suet Log in vertical position until your backyard birds discover it. Then, turn it upside down! Inverted, your suet is not easily accessible by birds who can’t cling upside down to feed. Like, Starlings or Grackles.

Please note that this feeder is mostly made by Mother Nature and no two will be the same. Cracks and peeling bark are natural features of cedar and will not affect feeding.

Fill with Log Jammer suet plugs. The Backyard Naturalist stocks Berry and Nut, Insect and Peanut Butter flavors.

The Backyard Naturalist stocks Log Jammers for feeding in hanging Suet Log feeders, in these three flavors: Berry and Nut, Insect and Peanut Butter varieties.