Shop Small and Small Business Saturday. We’re talking about two things here! Both are about choosing to keep your community thriving and being an interesting—and convenient—place to live.
- Shop Small — The nationwide movement to show support for small businesses every day to help communities thrive and stay alive!
- Small Business Saturday — The special day each year when we, as consumers and community members, celebrate and turn out to shop and show support as a nation for our local small business owners and our communities.
It comes down to this: money that you spend in local, independent (non-chain, non-big-box, non-boring!) Mom & Pop shops and restaurants is money that STAYS in your community. Shop Small is the big idea. Small Business Saturday is the day to celebrate.
History of the Shop Small Movement
Small Business Saturday is the day dedicated to supporting small businesses and communities across the U.S. It was founded by American Express in 2010 and is always on the Saturday, following Thanksgiving (And Black Friday!). It’s estimated that Americans have since spent $85 Billion+ at independent retailers and restaurants on these eight days alone. And it’s growing!
What is a “small business”?
Small businesses are the independent retailers, unique shops, restaurants and services that everyone takes for granted! And that’s actually a good thing. We’ve all become a bit jaded during economic downturns, seeing small stores open, then go out of business; quietly leaving an empty storefront. It’s not easy being a small business in the best of times. Although the economy is better, online shopping is becoming more routine. Even the gigantic chain stores are struggling to adjust and compensate. Meanwhile, small business owners are out there struggling alone.
Why shop on November 24th?
Every small business is somebody’s dream… And that somebody is likely one of your neighbors! Small businesses give a neighborhood strength and personality, along with creating an energetic, diverse community where people want to live and invest. The best thing you can do for your community is to keep your money in it!
Take your holiday gift list and Shop Small on November 24th. Small Business Saturday is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors while getting your holiday shopping done, in less time, with less stress. Some businesses may have special treats or events for the day, but we’re betting all of them will inspire you! Won’t it be fun to walk into a store that’s not like every other store in the mall?
Shop Small Throughout the Year
During 2019, make an effort to dine in local restaurants, invite friends to shop with you in your favorite small businesses and visit all those little shops you’ve been meaning to check out for ages. We’ll be glad to see you the other 364 days of the year, but do stop by for refreshments at The Backyard Naturalist on the 24th. We have some great gift ideas for everyone on your list.