Tag Archives: making nectar for Hummingbirds

Hummingbird Feeder Activity Peaks

Hummingbird feeder activity is peaking now while Hummingbirds bulk up and begin
migration! Now that nesting responsibilities are over, females and juveniles are out in abundance. Experience the joy of seeing an awkward juvenile discover your feeder for the very first time!

How to be a good Hummingbird Host during Migration

Keep your Hummingbird feeders clean and filled until two weeks after you see your last Hummingbird—at least until Halloween. Feeding them will not delay their migration, we promise!

Ruby-throated Hummingbird enjoying water mist. See The Backyard Naturalist for bird baths and misters that Hummingbirds love.

WATER!!! Hummingbirds love water misters! Set up a mister in a shady spot to help them beat the heat. We have them in stock. See our Hummingbird products here.

Keep feeders filled with fresh nectar.

While Hummingbird feeder activity is peaking (and as a good practice all during Hummingbird seasons): Clean feeders and refresh nectar every few days, or sooner if not crystal clear. In the heat of summer, this should be done every other day generally. In addition to keeping Hummingbird feeders filled, it’s super-duper important to fill them with the right food.

Nectar IS NOT RED!!! Your red feeder does the attracting, not the contents.

Use only clear nectar! Nectar in nature is clear, and you want to mimic their natural food sources. Never use red food dye! This is not appropriate for Hummingbirds. We have super-convenient, finely ground sucrose that’s quick and easy to mix in our Super Shaker. No boiling necessary! You can also make your own nectar. It’s easy! See our Hummingbird page for the recipe.

Clean feeders diligently. No soap!

Do not use soaps when cleaning your hummingbird feeders or nectar bottles! Cleaning with hot water is usually enough if you are being diligent, not letting mold develop. If needed, white vinegar is a safe cleaner and mixed with salt can be good as an abrasive.Hummingbird Wars?!

Add another feeder if Hummingbirds are battling.

Add another feeder to reduce fighting. Hummingbirds are very territorial.  We recommend the Aspects Hummzinger series and Droll Yankees ‘Little Flyer’. See more of our favorite Hummingbird Feeders here.

Keep feeders up to support late migrants.

And lastly, after peak activity and traffic slows, support the late migrants. Keep your feeders up a full two weeks after your last sighting. (We’ve had sightings as late as Halloween!)Take a photo of your Hummingbird feeding frenzy and share it on our Facebook page!

Our hearts are full of gratitude for your steadfast support. Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement. It means the world to us!
Debi, Mike and The Backyard Naturalist Team