The Baltimore Sun Features The Backyard Naturalist in “Home & Garden”

Goldfinch molting. Photo by Kenn Kaufman, world-renowned birder and one of The Backyard Naturalist's favorite authors.

Is it my imagination or has this winter felt more like spring? When I saw Goldfinches molting last week in early February, I thought I was crazy.

At this point, I thought I’d be blogging about winterizing your bird baths. Ha! Not so much! So I thought to myself, “What the heck am I gonna blog about now?”
And then, The Baltimore Sun reporter Sloane Brown walked into our shop and asked to feature us in her next column: “What’s in Store – Olney”.


We had such a blast with her while she explored our store. We’re thrilled that she chose The Backyard Naturalist as part of the unique shopping experience in Olney. Sloane pointed out that beyond our huge selection of wild bird seed, feeders and accessories, we also have some pretty cool stuff for your home and your Valentine! Thank you, Sloane!

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